
Showing posts from February, 2022

Blood Vessels

Questions to Answer: What does the blood flow through? How does blood get pumped to all the parts of your body? BLOOD VESSELS TASK: Complete the graphic organizer on the structure and function of blood vessels in your body. Link to Graphic Organizer - Structure and Function of Blood Vessels  Online Links: Here is a link to blood vessels from Merck Structures of Blood Vessels Lower and upper body circulation Why are our Veins Blue when our blood is not?

Structures and Functions in the Heart

TASK Warm-up - Sync: Complete a timed Quiz Game identifying structures in the heart. 1. Fill out the Following Structure Function Chart on the heart. (Also on your Google Classroom) 2. Great interactive for parts of the heart and blood flow. Be sure to walk through it step by step and read each part. Then take the quiz at the end. 3. Make a copy and trace the flow of blood on the following Jamboard. Practice talking through where the blood goes and using blue for deoxygenated and red for oxygenated blood.

Introduction to the Circulatory System

First, watch the video on the Circulatory System. Try to fill out as much of the Cover Page Structure and Function as you can. Brain Pop Circulatory System Video NEXT: I want you to think about what kinds of things you witnessed in this short video. Why did it beat the way it did? How many contractions does it look like it makes? Did anything surprise you? Hybrid Medical Heart Beating - Click here to access Ted Ed- How your heart pumps blood? What did you learn from the video?